11 ऑक्टोबर दिनविशेष

*11 ऑक्टोबर दिनविशेष 2022 !*
        🧩 *मंगळवार* 🧩

💥 *संत तुकडोजी महाराज निर्वाण दिन*
         🌍 *घडामोडी* 🌍    
👉 *2000 - STS -92 - नासाचे 100 वे स्पेस शटल मिशन प्रक्षेपित केले*         
👉 *2001 - सर विद्याधर सुरजप्रकाश तथा व्ही एस. नायपाॅल यांना साहित्यातील नोबेल पारितोषिक प्रदान करण्यात आले*

*विदर्भ प्राथमिक शिक्षक संघ नागपूर* 
(प्राथमिक, माध्यमिक व उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षक संघ नागपूर विभाग नागपूर) 
9860214288, 9423640394

🌍 *जन्म*

👉 *1993 - हार्दिक पांड्या भारतीय क्रिकेट खेळाडू   यांचा जन्म*
👉 *1951 - मुकूल आनंद- भारतीय चिञपट निर्माते व दिग्दर्शक  यांचा जन्म*

        🌍 *मृत्यू*🌍

👉 *2021 - नेदुमुदी वेणू भारतीय अभिनेते आणि पटकथालेखक  यांचे निधन*
👉 *2007 - श्री चिन्मोय- भारतीय अध्यात्मिक गुरु  यांचे  निधन*
🙏 *मिलिंद विठ्ठलराव वानखेडे*🙏
*आजच्या बातम्या*

*ठाकरे गटाला - शिवसेना (उध्दव बाळासाहेब ठाकरे) व मशाल चिन्ह निवडणूक आयोगाने*
१.'सायेब, अनुदानाचे पेसे लवकर द्या, मग दिवाळीले आई पोळ्या करते, तुम्ही या पोळ्या खायला'; हिंगोलीच्या अतिवृष्टीग्रस्त शेतकऱ्याच्या मुलाचं मुख्यमंत्र्यांना पत्र 

२. शिंदे गटाकडून ठाकरेंची पुन्हा कोंडी? ठाकरे गटाच्याच चिन्हावर शिंदे गटाचाही दावा  शिंदे गटाकडून पक्षासाठी तीन नावांचा पर्याय, 'ही' आहेत नावं 

३. शिवसेना निवडणूक चिन्हाचा वाद दिल्ली हायकोर्टाच्या अंगणात; ठाकरे गटाकडून निवडणूक आयोगाविरोधात याचिका दाखल  बाळासाहेबांच्या शिवसेनेचे अस्तित्व मिटवण्यासाठी दिल्लीतील मोगलांशी हातमिळवणी; शिवसेनेचा शिंदे गटावर सामनातून हल्लाबोल 

४. शिवसेनेचे धनुष्यबाण गोठवल्यावर संजय राऊतांची पहिली प्रतिक्रिया, आमच्यात शिवसेनेचं 'स्पिरीट'.. शिवसेनेचं नवीन चिन्ह कदाचित क्रांती घडवून आणेल  संजय राऊतांना दिलासा नाहीच... कोठडीतील मुक्काम पुन्हा वाढला 

५.नाशिक अपघातानंतर दोन दिवस उलटले, आश्वासनांचं काय झालं? 'ती' चौफुली अजूनही मृत्यूचा सापळा  आतापर्यंत नाशिक बस दुर्घटनेतील अकरा मृतांची ओळख पटली, 27 पेक्षा जास्त जखमींना डिस्चार्ज 

६.राज्यातील शेतकऱ्यांचा विरोध जुगारून अलमट्टीची उंची वाढवण्याचा प्रयत्न केल्यास आंदोलन; 'स्वाभिमानी'चा कर्नाटकला इशारा   अलमट्टीची उंची शिरोळ तालुक्याच्या मुळावर; एकसंध होऊन लढा उभा करण्याची गरज 

७. उत्तर प्रदेशचे माजी मुख्यमंत्री मुलायम सिंह यादव यांचे निधन, 82 व्या वर्षी घेतला अखेरचा श्वास  समाजवादी आंदोलन ते उत्तर प्रदेशचे मुख्यमंत्री; मुलायम सिंहांचा झंझावाती राजकीय प्रवास 

८. सर्व केंद्रीय विद्यापीठांमध्ये, उच्च संस्थांमध्ये हिंदीचा वापर बंधनकारक करा, इंग्रजी भाषा पर्यायी ठेवा; अमित शाह समितीची शिफारस 

९.  लातूरच्या हासोरी परिसरात 24 तासांत भूकंपाचे दोन धक्के; नागरिक भयभीत 

१०.आर्थिक संकट आणि बँकांची भूमिका यासंबंधी संशोधन करणाऱ्या तीन अर्थतज्ज्ञांना सन्मान; अर्थशास्त्रातील नोबेल जाहीर 


१.MCA Elections 2022 : मुंबई क्रिकेट असोसिएशन निवडणुकीसाठी शरद पवार आणि आशिष शेलार यांचं संयुक्त पॅनल, संदीप पाटील स्वतंत्र मैदानात उतरणार 

२.Siddheshwar Express : सुशीलकुमार शिंदे यांचा मोबाईल लांबवणे पडलं महागात, शिंदे यांनी चोराला पकडून दिलं पोलिसांच्या ताब्यात 

३.Jalgoan Rancho : मुलाचा गाडी घेण्याचा हट्ट पुरवण्यासाठी शेतमजूर बापाने भंगारातील साहित्य वापरुन जीप बनवली 

४.Cristiano Ronaldo : रोनाल्डोचा नाद करायचा नाय! 700 गोल करणारा जगातील पहिलाच खेळाडू 
◆ Which is the principal source of energy for the Earth?
Ans. : *Sun*

*The Cap Seller And The Monkeys*

After spending a couple of days selling in the nearby village, the cap seller was on his way back to his village. He was carrying the caps.
He was tired from all the standing and less sleep.
“Oh, I just will sleep for a bit and walk faster to reach the village!”
He found a big tree to sleep under.
Soon, the cap seller was fast asleep. After what seemed like hours, he woke up with a start.

He woke up to see all the caps gone, except for one.
“My caps! My caps! Who could have taken them?” he yelled aloud.
Just then, he heard chatterings from up the tree!
“Ah, those monkeys!” he cried.
As he thought about what he could do, he had an idea!
He picked the cap from the ground and wore it.
The monkeys observing him put on the caps too!
He removed his cap and threw it to the ground.

All the monkeys removed and threw the caps too!
The cap seller quickly picked up all the caps and walked as fast as he could towards his village.

*Moral of the story :*
Thinking on your feet can always solve help you! Always choose your actions wisely.

*Vinayak Damodar Savarkar*

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, popularly known as Veer Savarkar, remains one of the most influential freedom fighters of the country. The revolutionary and Hindutva ideologue was born on 28 May, 1883 in Bhagur.

Savarkar was also a lawyer, activist, writer and politician. The freedom fighter is most known for his treatise Hindutva: Who is a Hindu?, wherein he put forth his ideas about what constitutes the Indian nation.

Recently, director Mahesh Manjrekar announced a biopic on the life of Savarkar. Actor Randeep Hooda of Highway fame will essay the role of the freedom fighter. As the film is set to begin shooting soon, here is all you need to know about Veer Savarkar:

Savarkar was born to a Marathi Brahmin family in 1883. Since his early days, he was influenced by the radical side of the Indian freedom struggle. During his days as a law student in London, he began organising radical political activities, according to reports. He also helped instruct a group of Indian students in methods of sabotage and assassination.

It was during his days in London that Savarkar wrote The First War of Independence about the 1857 revolt against British forces in India. According to the revolutionary, the revolt was actually an uprising against the British rule, with Savarkar comparing the events of 1857 to the French and American Revolutions. The book was banned by authorities for its anti-British content.

Savarkar was later arrested and tried for his protest against the 1909 Morley-Minto reforms. In 1911, he was sentenced to 50 years of imprisonment at the notorious Cellular Jail in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which was infamously called Kala Pani.

He was released in 1924 after several mercy petitions he filed, wherein he promised to stay away from political activities if he was released. A political controversy surrounds Savarkar’s release till date, with parties like the Congress alleging that he was a “traitor” due to the mercy petitions he filed before the British.

While in prison, Savarkar also wrote the pamphlet Hindutva: Who is a Hindu? The work promoted the idea of Hinduism as a political and cultural identity. The freedom fighter also coined the definition of Hindutva in this work.

Savarkar was opposed to the caste system, superstitious rituals and cow worship, according to news reports. He was the president of the Hindu Mahasabha from 1937 to 1942. He also opposed the Quit India Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi.

Savarkar was accused of being a co-conspirator in Gandhi's assassination in 1948. He was later acquitted of all charges. He passed away on 26 February, 1966 at the age of 82.
*All students will keep silence for two minutes.*
*Milind V Wankhede*
*Prakash Highschool and junior college kandri mine*

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